Operation theater Table- LOW HEIGHT TABLE (LHO)

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Operation theater Table- LOW HEIGHT TABLE (LHO)

MOQ - 1
Category - Operation Table
Technical Specifications:  Length - 1900mm  Width - 500mm  Min. Height - 550mm  Max. Height - 1000mm  Trendelenburg / Reverse Trend. - 25°- 25°  Lateral Tilt Right / Left - 20°-20°  Head Section Up/Down - 90°-90°  Leg Section Up/Down - 20°-90°  Longitudinal Sliding - 300mm  Flex/Reflex - 230°- 100º  Split Leg - YES  Weighing Capacity - 200kg  Battery Backup - 3 hrs or than 3 hrs

 Made By Medical Grad Stainless Steel Grade  Flexible, Interchangeable components and a wide range of positing accessories allows it to be configured individually for Separate disciplines. Can also be combined with other operating tables.  Radiolucent table top materials compatible for C-Arm  In built Kidney Bridge  Sophisticated mechanics provides smooth steps less articulations of the table top for precious patient positioning  Negligible maintenance required  Battery Back-up  Electric With Manual

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